If you’ve been looking for a postpartum deodorant, we’re here to tell you about a brand new product! Sugar•sugar The Postpartum Deodorant is formulated just for postpartum moms!
If you’ve recently given birth, you might notice an increase of sweat and an increase of odor. This is a totally normal and natural experience that most new moms go through. A lot of the water weight you held on to during pregnancy is now being released through perspiration, so you might have night sweats or increased phases of sweating. Antiperspirant might sound appealing, but this will hinder the ability of the body to release that excess water. It’s best to let your body do its natural thing!
Postpartum odor develops because of increased sweating, hormone metabolites being released through sweat, and increased sweat due to stress. (Even if you’re not feeling stressed, your body will respond to your baby’s cries and sleep deprivation with activation of the sympathetic nervous system.) Sweat itself doesn’t smell much, but bacteria that live naturally on skin start to eat the compounds in your perspiration. This bacteria releases odiferous compounds that we know as “B.O.”
Sugar•sugar The Postpartum Deodorant prevents bacteria from colonizing on your skin using natural ingredients. The secret ingredient is called glyceryl undecylenate. While it has a funky name, it’s simply an oil that prevents bacteria from colonizing on skin. Sugar•sugar The Postpartum Deodorant also employs the help of natural enzymes that neutralize odors on contact.
Another benefit of Sugar•sugar The Postpartum Deodorant is that it doesn’t have heavy artificial fragrances that cover up your skin’s natural smell. Our babies learn our natural smells from birth and have been shown to be able to recognize their mother by smell. Sugar•sugar The Postpartum Deodorant doesn’t cover up your skin’s natural smell so your baby can find comfort in your arms.