Filled with anthocyanins, flavanols, phenols and other health-promoting compounds and nutrients, red onions are a dietary staple that may often get taken for granted in terms of how beneficial they are for health. Red onions offer a pungent kick to the palate, and alongside this comes a healthy dose of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory effects and heart-health benefits, to name a few. Much research has found these properties of red onion to have many positive health implications, including blood sugar regulation, weight management and cancer prevention. (Source)
Red Onions for Antioxidants
Due to their high content of flavanoids, red onions offer much in the way of antioxidant activity. One study investigated the impact of red onion peel and flesh on oxidative stress in rats. Researchers conducting the study found the red onion skin and flesh to increase multiple forms of anti-oxidant activity and to inhibit liver peroxidation. (Source)
Red Onions for Obesity Treatment
Research has found red onions to have positive implications for obesity, due to their high content of quecertin, a compound that aids insulin sensitivity. One study found red onion supplementation to decrease insulin insensitivity, increase energy expenditure and improve body composition in mice. (Source)
Red Onions for Cholesterol
In addition to metabolism, red onion has also been found to have positive effects on high cholesterol. One study found raw red onion to significantly lower LDL cholesterol levels in obese and overweight women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). High cholesterol is a common symptom of PCOS, so the results of the study not only offer valuable findings regarding the role of red onion in cholesterol management, but material for further research on treatment of PCOS. (Source)
Red Onions for Diabetes Treatment
New research has also found red onions to have potential as a tool in treating diabetes. One preliminary tested the hypoglycemic effects of raw red onion consumption in type-1 and type-2 diabetes patients. The red onion was found to reduce fasting blood glucose levels and hyperglycemia in both groups of patients, and also reduced insulin in the type-1 patients. (Source)
Red Onions for Cancer Prevention
Because they offer such high antioxidant activity, red onions have anti-cancer potential as well. One study found red onion scales, especially high in flavanoids, to prevent prostatic hyperplasia in rats. An extract of red onion scales was administered to the rats every day for four weeks, and was found to have a protective effect against hyperplasia, which was attributed to an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity. (Source)
Red onion, 1 cup (160g), chopped
Calories: 64
Total Fat: 0
Sodium: 6g
Total Carbohydrate: 15g
Dietary Fiber: 3g
Sugars: 7g
Protein: 2g
Vitamin C: 20% Daily Value
Thiamin: 5%
Riboflavin: 3%
Vitamin B6: 10%
Folate: 8%
Calcium: 4%
Magnesium: 4%
Phosphorous: 5%
Potassium: 7%
Manganese: 10%